Saturday, September 16, 2006


Hey I just got a new laptop (yes, the reason for the overhwelming number of blogs recently...all 3 of them) and iTunes. Welcome to the 21st century, Lisa. I want your top 5 suggestions of songs I should download. Please, comment.

Ready, go.


Anonymous said...

1. Martin Sexton, Glory Bound
2. Greg Laswell, High and Low
3. Phil Wickham, I Will Wait For You There
4. Ben Folds, Luckiest
5. Aqualung, Strange and Beautiful

Welcome. So excited you're joining us. :)

Anonymous said...

1. shine, jesus, shine
2. It's bubblin'
3. Lord prepare me
4. Fire In The House
5. You are the words and the music


Anonymous said...

1. As Tall As Lions- Love, Love, Love
2. Danielle Peck- Finding a Good Man
3. Goo Goo Dolls- Let Love In
4. Jack Johnson- Fortunate Fool
5. Cary Brothers- Blue Eyes
and an extra,
*Don't Panic by ColdPlay
and another extra
*Keith Urban- She's Gotta Be
and another
*Rodney Atkins- If you're going through Hell

Anonymous said...

Ask me again in a month when you have $ again for more.


Anonymous said...

It's bubblin', it's bubblin', it's bubblin' in my soul...

It's singing, it's shouting, cause Jesus made me whole...

I changed my vote. I like Minda's list!

LisaAdriana said...

Amber, I'm so horrified that you even know those words, but somehow it makes me appreciate you even more.

Anonymous said...

woooo hoo! amber liked my list!

Anonymous said...

I got the Lisa AND Minda approval!!

Baa bum bahbahbum bahbahbum...

(Lisa's waving her little fisted hand in the air right now...)

To our oh-so-churched childhoods...

"Shine, Jesus, shine, fill this land with the Father's glory, Blaze, Spirit, blaze, set our hearts on fire..."

Anonymous said...

1-There'll be Joy on the Other Side of Jordan

2-The saints are gathering, one by one, ... "Marriage Supper" :-)

Anonymous said...

amber. you have just reached new levels in my book. i like you. the end.