Monday, May 04, 2009

What the...

Don't get excited. I've made no resolution to start blogging again. I have, however, been thinking about lots of blogging things lately. And I'm trying to write songs and have found that my creativity is at an all-time low and I'm hoping that if I start writing down thoughts more often, things will start flowing a bit better. And who has time for actual pen-to-journal writing? That requires an energy commitment that I'm just not ready for. Commitment-phobe? I think not. Energy efficient? Yes. And going green. How trendy of me. Someone call Al Gore, I'm saving the earth.

Speaking of going Green, I got a call from the North Texas alumni association the other day. Some 16-year old TAMS student, no doubt, calls to update my address, get the low-down on my current job situation, raise money, etc.

Energetic TAMS kid: "Oh you're in marketing? Cool! How'd that happen? A communications degree, you say? What exactly does that even mean? Oh you're not sure? This is uncomfortable. Would you like to donate money to an education for kids who are getting degrees that will actually give them a life skill?"

So I listen to his little fundraising spiel and as he's going on and on, I say:

"Hey, it's been fun, but I've got to run out the door. Is there any way you can send me an email about all of this? "

Energetic TAMS kid: "Um, yeah I can't do that. We're going green here at North Texas. But I'd be happy to call you back at a time that's more convenient for you."

Long pause.

Me: "I don't mean to be rude, but can you explain how exactly "going green" means you can't send me an email?"

Energetic TAMS kid: "Well, we'd have to pay someone to send the email and it uses up all that energy. But I can see if my supervisor will make a special exception."

Oh trust me, it's considerably less energy than this conversation is taking. And by "going green" I now understand he means "saving green". But whatever. Does he not have a computer in front of him? And a special exception? This is not like asking for the vegetarian meal on a plane. Hit send. I'll send money. Good trade off. I'm was a Comm major and even I can figure that one out.

Me: "Yeah, yeah kid. Call me tomorrow."

Thank goodness for caller ID.


minda312 said...

this just made my morning go from great to FANTABULOUS. :-)

oh, i should probably get off the computer now. i wanna go green too!

Niks said...

I'm so proud right now.

Caralyn said...

no computers in front of you, just papers with all of your information on it. social security, credit card numbers, name of the creepy neighbor who lives across the hall from you....
well, not exactly. but there are no computers. and we do our best to not be completely annoying. at least you didn't yell or hang up on him.
ah, to be back in that small crowded room again, calling people for money.