Ah yes, the long overdue emergence from silence. Oftentimes, a silence does not begin because of a lack of things to say, but it merely arises out of a desire to say something that means something. Something other than the meaningless drivel that defines so many of our daily lives. I have this blog merely to write when I feel inspired, not to write just to fill a void in cyberspace. And that is not to say, of course, that the last year or so has been completely un-inspired. But many of the things I've wanted to say have been a bit more difficult to put into words. It is amazing how thoughts and ideas can sort of exist in one's mind, yet are rarely ever tangible enough to actually be written and more importantly, understood by another human being.
You know what drives me insane? Those weird moving aliens/robots/random detectives that dance around in totally inhuman ways in those mortgage ads on the Internet. Seriously, it's so distracting, which of course is the point, but I have to physically cover them up with my hand while I'm reading a page because they make me want to vomit. Also, that ad for that cellulite cream or whatever it is and some lady's posterior is pictured twice: once all cottage cheesy and the other, smooth as butter. Not only annoying, but completely disgusting and inappropriate.
Something I like: the Google maps distance measurement tool. Something I like even better: getting home and tracing my route and realizing I ran farther than I thought. And Pita Jungle hummus. And those Izze sodas in the can (blackberry flavor), which unfortunately, I have a really hard time finding in any local grocery stores.
It seems I have totally contradicted myself with this post. All my blathering about how this blog should be inspired and meaningful and I ended up rambling about Izze sodas and Internet advertising. Tune in next time for more meaningless drivel...
The one about moving to a new city
6 years ago